A/B Testing: The Essentials for Success

Learn the essentials of A/B testing to boost your marketing performance with actionable tips and real examples.
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A/B testing, or "split testing," involves comparing two versions of a webpage, call to action, content, subject line, or other elements to determine which performs better. The primary goal is to identify patterns that can enhance your business performance.

How to Conduct an A/B Test

Infographic - 5 steps for AB testing

Start with a measurable question:

  • Does changing the call to action on my landing page increase sales?
  • Would changing the color of my call-to-action text increase click-through rates?
  • If I add emoji to my email subjects, would that improve open rates?

Set up the test:

Include one control group (the “no change” or “baseline” group) and one test group. Only one change should be tested per variant to clearly identify what caused the performance lift. Running A and B variants concurrently ensures you get an accurate comparison.

AB testing mobile phones with control baseline and variant

Measure results:

Lift (or Uplift) measures the improvement of a test variant over the baseline. It represents the percentage of incremental improvement in the performance metric you chose for the test.

Common metrics used for A/B testing include revenue, conversion rate, and click-through rate.

AB testing formula for lift

Analyze results to determine statistical significance. Implement successful changes to optimize your marketing continuously, focusing on incremental and iterative improvement.

A Real Example

Consider this A/B test, where an e-commerce store owner wants to know whether changing the "buy now" call to action to "send me the goods" increases conversions:

Variant A - “Buy Now”Variant B - “Send Me the Goods”
Conversion Rate2.2%2.3%

Here's the calculation for lift in the chosen metric (conversion rate) as a result of testing Variant B, "Send Me the Goods":

Example calculation using AB testing lift formula

While Variant B showed a slight increase in conversion rate, statistical analysis indicates this change is not significant. In this case, it is advisable to retain Variant A and conduct further experiments to find opportunities to improve.

Help with A/B Testing

Looking to increase revenue with A/B testing or other data-backed approaches? Our agency can help with that.

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